2023 Integrated Report

5. Inclusion

With “Progetto IncluCity”, the Projet Banlieues programme is being rolled out in Italy

Since 2006, Projet Banlieues has provided support for 1,200 charities in France, working in areas such as education, integration and fostering a “living together” approach. On the back of this success, BNL BNP Paribas, together with the Group and the BNP Paribas Foundation, is launching the “Progetto IncluCity” scheme, which is pursuing its goals in Italy. The programme supports social inclusion initiatives targeting young people, by promoting the co-creation of new projects and activities, as well as the development of a network of associations in certain disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Milan, Padua, Prato, Rome and Naples. Already working actively in these areas, the three benchmark charities chosen - Save the Children, Comunità di Sant’Egidio and Fondazione Riva (see page 65) - will pilot initiatives involving other local associations committed in these neighbourhoods.

A space dedicated to non-profit and social projects at BNP Paribas Fortis

BNP Paribas Fortis intends to make its head office a space for real dialogue. As a committed bank, it has decided to develop a collective space of over 700 sqm for non-profit and social projects. Five not-for-profit associations involved in educational projects for children and young people in disadvantaged situations now have a collective space called “Inclusion Lab by BNP Paribas Fortis”, where they can share their resources and expertise to better combat social inequalities.

“While corporate philanthropy must respond to crises and emergencies, it also has a role to play in tackling the root causes of society’s ills, particularly by engaging with young people and combatting all forms of insecurity. The fight against inequalities that can determine destiny is one of our priority causes. Fostering equal opportunity, inclusion and education is vital if we are to give everyone the chance to achieve financial security and independence.”

Isabelle Giordano,
Head of Group Philanthropy and General Delegate of the BNP Paribas Foundation