2023 Integrated Report

5. Inclusion

Exceptional mobilisation for the Group’s Philanthropy

In 2023, the Group’s Philanthropy devoted more than €90 million to its activities towards general interest, of which more than €30 million came from exceptional donations. These exceptional donations include €20 million drawn from the Group’s share buyback programme, to respond to social emergencies, overcome extreme poverty and contribute to environmental causes. A look back at an exceptional year.

In 2023, the Group provided support for over 650 associations, notably in France, including around a hundred through its exceptional donations. The funds earmarked for the acquisition of shares have contributed to promoting the causes on which more than 90 organisations(1) are working: food aid and fighting severe hardship, combatting substandard housing, assistance to families and early childhood, equal opportunity, social and professional inclusion, climate and biodiversity, access to water, support for women in vulnerable situations and victims of violence, assistance to refugees and emergency assistance.

Combatting food insecurity

The high inflation that hit the global economy in 2023 is having a major impact on people, particularly the most vulnerable. Faced with this situation, the Group has stepped up its commitment, mainly in terms of food and housing. Alerted in June 2023 to the scale of the crisis in France by its partner associations, the Group drew up a plan to combat food insecurity worth €1.6 million over three years, notably by supporting Restos du Cœur”, a French association with which it has been involved since 2011. To respond to the appeal launched by its Chairman, Patrice Douret, faced with a situation described as “unbearable on a human level (…) and financially unsustainable”, BNP Paribas has stepped up its support by donating €1 million to Restos du Cœur for 2023 and has committed itself to supporting the charity in 2024 and 2025 as well. Working in many regions affected by the crisis, the Group also extended its support to address all forms of poverty, increasing its commitment to €7 million worldwide. Arval also provided Restos du Cœur with vehicles for Les Enfoirés(2) tour. Lastly, as part of the skills-based philanthropy programme, 30 Group employees have placed their skills and expertise at the service of the charity.

Promoting access to culture for all

Another highlight in 2023: a unique philanthropic initiative to auction off some of the Group’s furniture and works of art. This sale, the proceeds of which were donated to the BNP Paribas Foundation, helped to support philanthropic projects that promote culture and the arts to the widest possible audience, particularly in the fields of music, dance and new circus arts.

Assisting in times of emergency

Following the earthquakes in Türkiye and Morocco, BNP Paribas made an exceptional contribution to help the victims (see page 71).