2023 Integrated Report

4. Innovations

“Artificial Intelligence is one of the pillars of the technology component of our GTS 2025 strategic plan, which also includes APIs, the cloud and our IT Marketplace. We are implementing an ambitious artificial intelligence programme, which will enable us to unlock €500 million in value creation by 2025, resulting from the improvement of the customer experience, additional revenue generation, cost optimisation, and stronger risk management.“

Hugues Even,
Group Chief Data Officer

Exploring all dimensions of applied AI

We are investing in the technologies of the future and in new uses - notably artificial intelligence - and making rapid progress across the board.

By instantly processing a large volume of data, AI enables the Group to reduce its costs, strengthen its risk management, improve its clients’ experience and generate additional revenues. In 2023, we continued our industrialisation, and also increased the number of use cases. More than 750 of them are under production, added to which over 300 are being studied or tested. We’re also anticipating the rise of generative AI, which represents an additional lever for transformation. We’re conducting around a hundred experiments on promising use cases, such as the production of analyses to facilitate the work of our teams. The Group already has over 700 specialists working on different generations of AI.

We’re moving forward with caution, both because the regulations require us to do so, particularly the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) recently adopted by the European Union, and to ensure the security of our clients’ data. This is why we defined a charter for the responsible use of artificial intelligence, and why we’re strengthening the infrastructure and governance, including risk management, in this area.

Unifying our internal tools and simplifying our processes

In addition to this tip of the innovation iceberg, consisting of the cloud, APIs, mobile applications and AI, there is an underwater side, just as crucial for improving operational efficiency: sharing tools internally. We designed and developed our own IT Marketplace within the Group. This single interface, which brings together all the services from our technical platforms, accelerates exchanges between IT producers and consumers. As a source of collective intelligence, it optimises the consumption of IT services, contributing to the shift towards more sustainable IT. In 2025, almost all of our IT offering, including training, will be available on this IT Marketplace.