2023 Integrated Report

3. Transitions

Helping improve the energy footprint of homes

BNP Paribas supports the transformation of consumption patterns across Europe. Aware of the need to reduce the energy footprint of housing, the Group supports its individual clients in the decarbonisation of their real estate assets. Overview of proactive initiatives and solutions implemented.

In the eurozone’s current economic climate, marked by severe pressure on household purchasing power, individuals need reassurance and support before they embark on energy-efficiency renovations to their homes. BNP Paribas Personal Finance is aware of this challenge and has joined forces with Effy, the French leader in energy renovation for individuals, to make energy work simple and accessible to as many people as possible. The two partners thus designed and rolled out a programme that covers everything from identifying a home’s needs to securing State funding and the renovations themselves. The work, which includes the installation of heat pumps, photovoltaic panels and thermal insulation, is carried out by Effy’s partner craftsmen, who are certified as RGE (“Reconnus Garants de l’Environnement“ - Recognised Environmental Guarantors).

Providing an ecosystem of services around housing

In Italy, the energy renovation challenge is just as crucial, with 70% of the residential housing stock scoring E, F and G in energy performance certificates. These homes represent 76% of BNL BNP Paribas’ residential real estate portfolio. The bank is taking action to encourage its customers to buy homes with better energy performance. To do so, it created the “BNL Abito” ecosystem, bringing together banking and non-banking products and services. With this system, BNL BNP Paribas relies on a 360° view of all housing-related needs - purchase, sale, energy conversion, management, security - in order to play a role of facilitator of energy renovation projects for its customers.

This ecosystem recently integrated Harley & Dikkinson, the leader in property renovation and energy efficiency in Italy, expanding its range with new services: energy assessment of the home, identification of its energy rating and indication of the renovation work needed to improve it.

Designing a green mortgage solution

BNL BNP Paribas is going one step further in supporting individuals looking to buy their own homes, through a green mortgage solution, “Mutuo Green”, dedicated to the purchase of property with A and B energy ratings. It addresses customers’ growing interest in financial products geared towards energy efficiency, while anticipating the increasing legislative and regulatory requirements in this field.