2023 Integrated Report

Our extra-financial indicators

Our extra-financial indicators

BNP Paribas set up a CSR dashboard with 10 indicators to help guide its strategy in this area. This CSR dashboard is monitored on an annual basis by the Group’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors. In 2023, BNP Paribas was generally well positioned to achieve the 2025 targets set in its GTS 2025 strategic plan.

In addition, in 2023, BNP Paribas once again set itself apart with a remarkable performance in the assessments conducted by the main extra-financial rating agencies. These results reflect the Group’s commitments in terms of CSR and responsible practices as well as its strict application of environmental, social and governance criteria in its activities.

For more information on all of our extra-financial indicators, see the 2023 Universal Registration Document

CSR policy management dashboard(1)

Our economic responsibility 2023 2025 objectives
Amount of sustainable loans

Amount of sustainable loans


Amount of sustainable loans



Amount of sustainable loans

2025 objectives

Amount of sustainable loans

2025 objectives


Amount of sustainable bonds

Amount of sustainable bonds


Amount of sustainable bonds



Amount of sustainable bonds

2025 objectives

Amount of sustainable bonds

2025 objectives


Amount of assets under management of open-ended funds, distributed in Europe and classified article 8 or 9 according to the SFDR

Amount of assets under management of open-ended funds, distributed in Europe and classified article 8 or 9 according to the SFDR


Amount of assets under management of open-ended funds, distributed in Europe and classified article 8 or 9 according to the SFDR



Amount of assets under management of open-ended funds, distributed in Europe and classified article 8 or 9 according to the SFDR

2025 objectives

Amount of assets under management of open-ended funds, distributed in Europe and classified article 8 or 9 according to the SFDR

2025 objectives


Our social responsibility
Percentage of women in the SMP (Senior Management Position) population 37.1% 40%
Number of solidarity hours performed by employees over 2 rolling years (#1MillionHours2Help) 1,268,515 (in 2022 and 2023) 1 million (over 2 rolling years)
Percentage of employees who completed at least four training courses during the year 98.2% 90%
Our civic responsibility
Number of beneficiaries of products and services supporting financial inclusion 3.9 million 6 million
Our environmental responsibility
Amount of support enabling our clients to transition to a low-carbon economy €104bn €200bn
Amount of financing to companies contributing to protect terrestrial and marine biodiversity €4.3bn €4bn
Greenhouse gas emissions in tonnes of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) per Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) 1.56t of CO2e/FTE 1.85t of CO2e /FTE