2023 Integrated Report

2. Ambitions

Investment & Protection Services

“In a market context that is normalising but remains affected by the real estate crisis, IPS’ diversified model once again demonstrated its agility and resilience. We also continued our digital transformation and stepped up our support for the sustainable economy, which enables us to better meet our clients’ expectations.”

Renaud Dumora, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Investment & Protection Services

Our Investment & Protection Services (IPS) division brings together our activities dedicated to protection, savings, investment and real estate services. The division designs and rolls out innovative and responsible products to support individuals, professionals, corporate clients and institutional investors in their projects and their transition to a sustainable economy.

As part of our GTS 2025 strategic plan, IPS aims to become a European benchmark in responsible protection, savings and investment. To this end, the division is enhancing its range of services and solutions, expanding its distribution network, and consolidating its leadership in social and environmental responsibility. It also strives to continue the digitisation of its business lines to make them ever more agile, efficient and at the cutting edge of technology.