2023 Integrated Report

1. Outlook

Up 10 basis points since the end of 2022, its global market share benefits from synergies among its three business lines - Global Banking, Global Markets and Securities Services - serving our corporate and institutional clients. For its part, Commercial, Personal Banking & Services (CPBS) posted growth in business activity of over 4% due to the dynamism of our commercial & personal banking and to the continued growth of the specialised business lines, in particular Arval, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions and BNP Paribas Personal Investors. Lastly, despite headwinds having a significant effect on BNP Paribas Real Estate, as on all players in the real estate market in the current context and interest rate scenario, our Investment & Protection Services (IPS) division continued to roll out its plan and pursue its strategic initiatives. Our Insurance results improved, driven by protection activities. BNP Paribas Wealth Management and BNP Paribas Asset Management recorded strong revenue performance in all their regions.


AI use cases under production in 2025


worldwide in ESG bonds and loans with 62.5 billion US dollars in 2023(4)

The roll-out of the GTS 2025 strategic plan, launched in February 2022, is now at its halfway point. Will you achieve your targets?

J.-L. B. Despite an uncertain economic environment that is very different from the assumptions on which our plan was based when it was first conceived, we can say that, at the halfway point, we’re on track to meet our targets, and to do so for the three pillars of our GTS 2025 plan.

Concerning the first pillar, Growth, our activity is growing in many business lines, most of which are market leaders in Europe. We’re successfully rolling out cross-functional initiatives, particularly in the fields of mobility and payments, two strategic growth drivers. As a result, we met our additional revenue targets in payments two years ahead of schedule. Last October, we launched our new brand dedicated to mobility, BNP Paribas Mobility, designed to bring together the expertise of all our business lines involved in this topic to strengthen our European leadership.

Through targeted investment and the mobilisation of all our fields of expertise, our second pillar, Technology, is continuing to develop, further optimising the experience for our clients and employees, as well as reinforcing our operational performance. We’re also stepping up our drive to industrialise artificial intelligence (AI), with more than 750 use cases under production. We’re adopting generative artificial intelligence, whose fields of application are paving the way for significant transformations that we’ll need to support. As with any innovation, we’re making sure that we deploy AI in a secure environment that protects our data and that of our customers. Guidelines for use are necessary, namely by defining a regulatory framework for the responsible use of AI to make this technology a lever for progress and development.

Lastly, we’re continuing our collaboration with the technology ecosystem, notably through partnerships with more than 200 start-ups.