2022 integrated report

Our Board of Directors

Relying on our governance in a changing world

Our Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors

as at 31 December 2022

  • Jean LemierreChairman of the Board of Directors of BNP Paribas
  • Jean-Laurent BonnaféDirector and Chief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas
  • Jacques AschenbroichChairman of Orange
  • Juliette BrisacChief Operating Officer of the BNP Paribas Group Company Engagement Department, Director representing employee shareholders
  • Pierre-André de ChalendarChairman of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain
  • Monique CohenSenior Advisor of Apax Partners
  • Hugues EpaillardReal Estate Business Manager, Director elected by BNP Paribas employees
  • Rajna Gibson BrandonProfessor of Finance at the University of Geneva
  • Marion GuillouDirector of companies
  • Lieve LoggheChief Financial Officer of the Euronav Group
  • Christian NoyerHonorary Governor of the "Banque de France”
  • Daniela SchwarzerDirector of the Open Society Foundation for Europe and Central Asia
  • Michel TilmantDirector of companies
  • Sandrine VerrierProduction and Sales Support Assistant, Director elected by BNP Paribas employees
  • Fields Wicker-MiurinDirector of companies

The Board of Directors oversees our main orientations. It determines the strategic business orientations of BNP Paribas, based on the proposals of the Executive Management, which implements them. It also strives to promote long-term value creation, taking social and environmental issues into consideration.

The Board of Directors holds three main powers: it reviews the Group’s strategic decisions, contributes to its proper functioning, and controls and monitors given transactions related to its activities. The Board is also responsible for promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), overseeing risk management and ensuring the quality of financial information provided to shareholders and markets.

The Board of Directors is a collegial body. At the end of 2022, it comprised 15 Directors, 13 of which appointed by shareholders, including one representing employee shareholders, and two elected by employees. The term of office for Directors is three years.

The Board of Directors leverages on four specialised committees

Four advisory committees are set up within the Board to assist in the functioning of the Board.

Financial Statements Committee

This committee is tasked with monitoring the preparation of financial information, the efficiency of internal control and risk management systems with regard to accounting and financial matters, the statutory auditing of annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements by the Statutory Auditors, as well as the independence of the Statutory Auditors.

→ 6 members

Internal Control, Risk Management and Compliance Committee

This committee examines the Group’s overall risk policy, including environmental and social issues, taking into account market, liquidity and operational risk indicators in accordance with applicable regulation. 

It also considers any specific issues related to these issues and methods. It is also responsible for compliance-related matters regarding, notably, reputational or professional ethics risks.

→ 5 members

Corporate Governance, Ethics, Nominations and CSR Committee

Its missions are:

  • oversight and monitoring of compliance with governance principles that take into consideration regulatory changes and best corporate governance practices;
  • identification, selection and succession of Directors and committee members and Executive Management members;
  • assessment of the Board of Directors;
  • assessment of the independence of Directors;
  • monitoring CSR issues by ensuring the Group’s contribution to a sustainable and responsible economic development.

→ 5 members

Remuneration Committee

This committee is responsible for the annual review of the Group’s compensation policy principles, and more specifically:

  • remuneration, allowances and benefits of any kind granted to the Directors and Corporate Officers of the Company and its major French subsidiaries;
  • the compensation of the Group’s regulated categories of personnel;
  • the compensation of the Chief Risk Officer and the Head of Compliance.

→ 4 members