2022 integrated report

Accelerating our transformation at scale with challenges of our time

Our solutions

  • Everyday banking
  • Payments
  • Advisory
  • Financing
  • Investments
  • Savings
  • Protection

Our value creation

For all our stakeholders: customers, shareholders and investors, employees, partners and suppliers, local authorities, regions and civil society.

Promoting useful innovation for our customers (Individuals, small businesses, SMEs and mid-caps, large companies, institutional clients, community organisations)

Nickel: ~ 3 million
accounts opened since its creation in France, Spain, Belgium and Portugal and a development in Germany in 2023

Targeted acquisitions 
enabling us to offer our customers innovative services: Kantox for foreign exchange risk management and FLOA for split payment

294 million
monthly connections to mobile apps(5) (+14.1% compared to 2021)

Encouraging sustainable growth for the economy

in assets under management in BNP Paribas Asset Management open-ended funds classified as article 8 or 9 according to the SFDR(6)

in financing of low-carbon energy production(7) at the end of September 2022, already nearly 20% higher than that for fossil fuels production(8)

in sustainable bonds issued for customers at the end of 2022(9)

Developing our contribution to society

budget for the Group’s corporate philanthropy in 2022 (including an exceptional €15.1m dedicated to support for the people of Ukraine)

in taxes paid in 2022

Nearly 1,000 
employees committed to mentoring

1,126,142 hours 
in solidarity initiatives carried out by employees for community organisations (#1MillionHours2Help) in 2021 and 2022

(1) As of 31/12/2022, this number includes employees from each of the three divisions presented above, as well as employees from the central functions. (2) Bloomberg, book runner in volume at 31/12/22. (3) The number of employees is reported in Full-Time Equivalent (headcount in proportion to their working time) of paid employees with a Permanent Term Contract or Fixed Term Contract, excluding employees on unpaid leave. (4) For CPBS, revenues include 100% of Private Banking (including PEL and CEL effects in revenues). (5) Scope: private individuals, professional and Private Banking customers of commercial and digital banks, Nickel and BNP Paribas Personal Finance. (6) Figure at 31/12/2022; funds distributed in Europe. The European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) identifies funds according to their sustainability potential. The article 8 classification concerns funds declaring that social and/or environmental criteria are taken into account. The article 9 classification concerns funds with a sustainable investment objective. (7) Renewable, biofuel and nuclear. (8) Oil refining, gas extraction/production, oil extraction/production, coal. (9) Cumulative amount of all types of sustainable bonds 2022-2025 (total amount divided by the number of book runners).