2022 integrated report

Making ecological transition an index of company performance

Rethinking our industry at scale with profound changes

Making ecological transition an index of company performance

Making ecological transition an index of company performance

The acceleration of climate change, coupled with the expected depletion of biodiversity, requires moving towards a low-carbon development model that is less energy-consuming, more resilient and more circular. According to scientists(1), once we cross six out of nine planetary limits, we will have increased the risk of irreversibly destabilising the environment, with major impacts for life on Earth. Explanations with Rhian-Mari Thomas, CEO of the Green Finance Institute, and Vincent Sciandra, Founder and CEO of the cleantech company METRON.

“We aim to evolve our economic and financial system so that it incorporates the value of nature and contributes to preserving the ecosystems on which we all depend.”
Rhian-Mari Thomas,Chief Executive Officer of the Green Finance Institute

The urgency of taking action

In this context of growing change, all players must mobilise without delay. “The most recent data show that we are overexploiting the planet’s resources by at least 75%,” observes Rhian-Mari Thomas, Chief Executive Officer of the Green Finance Institute. “This is like living off 1.75 Earths! Companies can no longer ignore the degradation of biodiversity, nor leave its resolution to States or Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).” “This is all the more true,” adds Vincent Sciandra, Founder and CEO of the cleantech company METRON, “considering the role that nature plays in the absorption of CO2. We must act simultaneously against climate change and biodiversity loss.”

Measuring and planning the ecological transition

To make industry greener, METRON targets reducing companies’ carbon footprint. “With the help of our technological platforms, we give them the keys to measure their energy consumption and plan their ecological transition. To do this, we help them build, within a limited time frame, a precise action plan, which may involve a change in machinery, behaviour or even revenue. While the transition is complex, the desire to transform is increasingly shared. Measurement enables us to identify the most effective actions to turn this desire into reality,” explains Vincent Sciandra.

Promoting the creation of environmental markets

For its part, the Green Finance Institute is taking action to overcome obstacles blocking the scaling up of solutions for nature. Indeed, the annual financing need for the restoration of nature is such – €665bn worldwide, according to the estimates from the last United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD 15) — that opening investments up to private players is essential. “We support the supply of investment-ready projects, including carbon sequestration and reducing the risk of flooding. We are also strengthening demand by working with private investors to encourage them to engage in these emerging markets in connection with nature,” explains Rhian-Mari Thomas.