There is a symmetry between the attention paid to the employee experience and that of the customer experience. Our goal is to make employees want to recommend BNP Paribas as a great place to work. To foster the well‑being of our teams, we intend to offer each team member a career path that is adapted to his or her expectations using three preferred means: self‑care, new ways of working and the reinforcement of recognition and attentiveness. In 2021, BNP Paribas continued to protect the quality of life at work through initiatives that encourage social ties and fight against physical inactivity and digital fatigue. Given that the health of our teams is a priority, we launched We Care in May 2021. First rolled out in France, We Care unites all the health and well‑being programmes available to our employees under one label.
As an extension of the widespread practice of teleworking during the health crisis, BNP Paribas has also accelerated the evolution of its working methods towards inspiring greater trust, autonomy and collaboration through the Smart Working project that defines the Group’s common principles. Deployed since September 2021, Smart Working has four dimensions: teleworking, flexible workspaces, an adapted digital offer and employee support through the People Care programme. The latter covers broad themes ranging from changing managerial practices to ensuring a healthy work‑life balance. This makes for a win‑win approach: attractiveness and efficiency for BNP Paribas; autonomy and organisational flexibility for our teams.
Agility plays a key role within these new ways of working because it puts the customer at the centre of organisations. Thus, in 2021, the Agile@scale programme was deployed across all our entities. To give our employees the opportunity to better understand the values and behaviours associated with agility, an e‑learning course is available.
Inaugurated to mark the 200th anniversary of BNP Paribas Fortis, this new head office is a symbol of the ambition to build a positive future together. Designed to evolve with the times and be at the cutting edge of technology and integrated into its environment, the office building is a model of sustainability that also encourages employee interaction. It was awarded the 2022 Best Office and Business Development prize at the MIPIM (International market for real estate professionals) forum held in Cannes, France.
At both European and local levels, BNP Paribas has won numerous awards. The Group was awarded the “Top Employer Europe 2022” label by the Top Employers Institute for the 9th consecutive year. This distinction was made possible by the Group’s certification in eight countries. BNP Paribas is also the only bank ranked among the top 10 employers in France. Several Group entities also stand out in terms of quality of life at work.
Nickel has been certified by "HappyIndex®AtWork". At BNP Paribas Personal Finance, three countries have obtained the “Great Place to Work” certification: Brazil, Italy and Mexico. Finally, our digital platform About Me was honoured at the Digital HR Awards 2021 in the “Business Partner” category. This platform creates a real employee journey by focusing on employee development, mobility and commitment building.
In the context of new expectations related to work and employers, attracting and retaining talent from diverse backgrounds will be at the heart of our priorities to respond to the needs and ambitions of the Group. This means offering an employee experience that meets individual aspirations and building a collective approach to skills development.