People at the heart of our strategy

Building a collective dynamic

People at the heart of our strategy

In 2021, we gave our employees the opportunity to help build our People Strategy. By valuing the human element within our GTS 2025 strategic plan (see page 10), this strategy supports the Group’s overall ambitions and unites all the teams.

In accordance with the aim to become a global leader in sustainable finance, BNP Paribas pursued two major objectives in the period between 2017 and 2021: to develop employee commitment and employability and to constantly improve their experience. We have also stepped up our fight against discrimination in all its forms and spread our vision for an inclusive culture where everyone has their place and skills are the only competency that count.

Throughout 2021, health constraints continued to disrupt our lifestyles and working methods. We continued to adapt our ways of working, capitalising on our successful teleworking experience and the mutual trust built between managers and employees.

Listening to the teams

In 2021, we launched a joint approach to strengthen our People Strategy to build on this solid foundation of team commitment and expertise.

As the expression of a shared vision, it marks the culmination of a collaborative thought process driven by contributions from 800 employees in 40 countries. In addition, 50,000 comments were analysed.

Our People Strategy aims to develop the potential and involvement of each employee to ensure our collective performance and strengthen our position in sustainable finance. To achieve this vision, the strategy focuses on three themes: employee experience, human capital, and ethics and inclusion.