2019 Integrated Report

Cooperation among business lines and risk management

Business lines and expertise

Cooperation among business lines and risk management

Strong cooperation among the Group’s business lines

Thanks to a close and regular collaboration among the three operating divisions that facilitates a coordinated and comprehensive approach, BNP Paribas provides clients with a diversified and complementary expertise enabling them to receive ongoing support for their projects. The three operating divisions are developing their collaboration to make it possible, for example, to extend CIB’s product offering to corporate clients in DM and IFS, and vice versa.

Supporting our clients’ growth

With no fewer than 220 business centres in 60 countries, the “One Bank” initiative is a concrete example of the ongoing support made possible by the Group’s diversified and integrated business model. One Bank encourages and promotes collaboration between Corporate Banking teams with a view to supporting and advising corporate clients regarding their international-development projects

Developing new drivers of growth

BNP Paribas’ business model makes it possible to identify and meet the needs of new client profiles. In 2019, the new organisation of the “Private Banking & Wealth Management” BNL division provides an enhanced customer experience with a wide range of products and services based, for example, on strengthened cooperation with CIB and with other partners.

Facilitating the creation of new solutions 

The strong cooperation between BNP Paribas’ businesses and operating divisions facilitates the sharing and development of innovative solutions. In 2019, for example, BNP Paribas Cardif and Birdee, a subsidiary of Gambit Financial Solutions—acquired in 2017 by BNP Paribas Asset Management—launched ”Birdee Vie”, an online life-insurance solution based on a robo-advisor and aimed at individuals in France.

Accelerating improvements in our operational efficiency

Strengthened cooperation between the Group’s business lines also contributed to the reduction in the Group’s cost/income ratio in 2019 (down 1.7 points compared to 2018), thanks in particular to cost savings achieved as part of the 2020 strategic plan (€1.8 billion in savings by the end of 2019).

More than  €2.8bn
in revenues per year is generated by DM and IFS from clients managed by CIB

More than  €500m
is generated by CIB from clients managed by DM and IFS

Anticipating and controlling risks for clients and the economy

Our clients can rely on the strength of our balance sheet and our expertise in risk management and compliance to finance their projects and meet their investment needs, while guarding against associated risks such as excessive debt.

With a determination to comply fully with all existing regulations, BNP Paribas has set up an internal-control system in line with the Group’s strategic plan, the environment in which it operates as well as with its values and risk culture. Based on six Group-wide functions —LEGAL, Compliance, RISK, Tax, Finance, General Inspection— as well as on rigorous policies and procedures, the internal-control system assesses and manages all types of risk to Anticipating and controlling risks for clients and the economy OUR FIGURES 34,985 employees €12,080m in revenues which the Group may be exposed. In this way, it protects itself against major risks (such as those associated with macroeconomic conditions or credit or market risk) and emerging risks such as those associated with climate and public health
(see pages 6 to 9). At the heart of the Group’s model, this system is based on a defence framework deployed at all levels and directly linked to the businesses and a risk-diversification strategy in order to monitor and support BNP Paribas’ transformation. The more risks are managed, controlled and reflect the Group’s business development and customer protection, the more the Group can innovate and enhance the customer experience. This in turn reinforces the trust placed in us by our customers and partners.

39 pb
cost of risk in 2019, one of the best in the sector

* Cost of risk reported on outstanding customer loans, at the beginning of the year (expressed in basis points).

Permanent control
Periodic control
Permanent control
1st line of defence

Operating entities: business lines and functions

Periodic control
2nd  line of defence

Functions: LEGAL, Compliance, RISK, Tax, and Finance

3rd line of defence

General Inspection